Opening Day!!!

31 03 2008

Hope springs eternal (or hope renews every spring!)

Go Mariners!!!

Go Mariners!!!



4 responses

31 03 2008

Now I understand what Mark meant when he was talking about blogs and useless information! Go Yankees! Now thats useful!

31 03 2008

Better to root for a better team like the Yankees, than that minor league team in Seattle. Go Yankees!!!

31 03 2008

M’s Win!!! (and the Yankees have to wait at least one more day to demonstrate their ineptitude- they got rained out today- sorry Frank and Eric)

1 04 2008

I am surprised that after the Yankees were embarrassed by losing so much last year and now that it has been revealed in a new tell all steroids book that Alex Martinez has been a product of artificial enhancement, that the Yankee fans still have no shame. It just goes to show that when you suppress the truth (the Yankees really stink), wisdom abandons you.

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